I made a Twitter profile a few months ago out of fear of no
longer being “with it.” I figured that its pervasiveness into pop culture had
denoted its pertinence. Every politician, musician, artist, etc. that I was
interested in had an account and seemed to be reaping its benefits. Since then,
I’ve periodically logged into my own account to try and get something out of
it… to no avail! I continually found myself asking myself different variations
of, “who cares?” or “what is the point of this?” or “what does this mean?” or “how
do I do this?”
Thankfully this “Twitter assignment” has given me the
opportunity to spend significantly more time with it than I had before,
exploring its facets. In doing so, I‘ve begun to turn the corner with my
understanding of its purposes. Before my more thorough investigation, I figured
that Facebook could provide everything that I needed out of social-media
websites. This leads me to my (obvious) Twitter realization… unlike Facebook;
Twitter provides a streamlined forum for people to connect with complete
strangers who share the same interests. It’s a great tool to find out the very
latest news, facts, etc. on whatever you’re interested in.