The main thing that I took away from production of the “60 second” video was how difficult it is to make an intriguing video without any post-editing. Being able to pick between different shots/moments and being able to cut clips to alter the video’s pace is such a luxury. Getting everything that a wanted from a scene out of a single take was pretty difficult. Because there was no Final Cut to fall back on and because a lot of technical things (ambient sound, focus, shaky camera, duration of the scene, etc.) are so hard to control, shooting this came with a pressure/anxiousness that I don’t find in typical video production... and I think this sort of compounds some of those technical problems.
Overall, I thought that I was a fun challenge. I found myself thinking differently about how to complete this video both conceptually and technically when compared to how I would approach other video projects. Figuring out what would be interesting to watch aesthetically for entire minute was something that I considered. I thought that filming a linear “performance” would be entertaining because I think that it implies (throughout the duration of the video) that there will be some sort of end or “effect” at its conclusion.
On the tech side, putting the scene together and figuring out the logistics of filming it was something that I enjoyed. Directing someone else to perform what I had in mind required some good communication and rehearsal, which I never had to do to that extent before.